Monday, May 4, 2020

4th May 2020 - Following the Old Oss

Brian Hunt is a proper folksinger from South Shields. None of your guitars, bouzoukis, mandolins or bodhrans for him. He can tell a great story with just his unaccompanied singing. And he's been to Padstow, got the t-shirt.

Brian is singing a wonderful song by Tony Deane about the Padstow Mayday tradition, more of which in a later blog in this series.However there are a couple of points to note:

Merv and Charlie are Mervyn Vincent and Charlie Bate - more of Charlie in another blog.

The Red Horse (and a crate of beer) traditionally made up the May day procession. However, some years back, the blue horse was introduced in an attempt to moderate the proceedings, although it was unsuccessful in doing this. There are now two horses and two sets of followers.

Over to Brian: Following the Old Oss

Here's adieu to Winter wailing
From now on it's plain sailing
For the summer is a-come unto day 
As we welcome the First of May.

Chorus (after each verse): 
When we're following the Old Oss through the town 
When we're following the Old Oss, Padstow round
All on a bright May morning
All on the First of May

And we rise in the morning early 
And remember Merv and Charlie, 
By the Golden Lion we'll stand to greet 
The Old Oss on to the street.

And there'll be no cries nor cribbin'
We'll not wear the Blue Ribbon
It's the Old Red Oss and a crate of beer 
That'll bring us our good cheer

And we'll sing from morn till night time 
For one song it's the right time
Only in Padstow will you hear 
The Day Song loud and clear

So good men, don't ignore us
Join in the May Day chorus
Dance with the Old Oss, it's no sin 
To watch the Summer come in

Oss Oss, wee Oss
